Greece Integrated Framework for Waste Management


Governmental Agency: Greek Government
Jurisdiction: France
Ref no: 129 A'/23.07.2021 4819

In 2021, Greece introduced its "Integrated Framework for Waste Management", a law designed to implement the requirements of the EU's Waste Framework Directive and Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive. As part of this legislation, a number of textiles relevant requirements were introduced:
- The prohibition to landfill textiles, commencing from 2024
- The requirement to introduce textile EPR and organise of a Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO) by the end of 2023. The EPR scheme will be responsible for implementing the Waste Framework Directive's textile separate collection requirement.

  • It is not detailed in the law how the textile extended producer responsibility policy will be set up. Therefore, the impacts are, as yet, unknown. However, the requirement to introduce EPR and implement separate collection systems will likely result in greater levels of separately collected textile waste. This will mean that the system capacity for collection & subsequent treatment must increase - providing both challenges and opportunities for businesses to develop the necessary infrastructure and end markets.

    The ban on disposal of textiles to landfill will also require textile collectors to find alternative end-markets (reuse, recycling, remanufacturing).


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