An average of 100 billion units of clothes are estimated to be produced yearly and the fashion industry has an annual growth rate of 2.7%. This means that total resource consumption currently outstrips all circularity efforts.

Reducing production and consumption of new clothing is necessary to reduce virgin
resource extraction and achieve absolute emissions reductions targets.


  • Overall volume of textile materials reduced. Increase the proportion of recycled fibres used

  • Utilize production management toolds and alternative models, Ex. just in time, made to order, 3D printing custom fits. Smarter cutting room textile waste management for manufacturers

  • Support customers to repair clothing via information, access or rewards. Explore alternative production models like on-demand or pre-order to minimize excess stock. Utilize technology to improve forecasting and procurement efficiency

    Carefully monitor any alternative models such as rental or subscription, ensuring they increase clothing utilization and reduce environmental impact. Prioritize resale channels with a goal of replacing revenue from new product sales

  • Reduce overall consumption. Engage with new ways of experiencing fashion, such as swapping or renting. Repair and resell clothing to retain value

    Invest in quality, timeless products wherever possible from brands using quality materials and offering warranties or repairs. Pressure governments to support antigreenwashing, improved labeling, EPR policies and textile recycling infrastructure investment

    Almost half of all online clothing purchases are returned, many never make it back online with 10% landfilled, use virtual fitting rooms if available to match your size to prevent unnecessary returns

  • Empower citizens through educational campaigns on the impact of textile waste on the environment. Offer tax deductions to brands which offer resale and repair options

  • Fund initatives and businesses which are proven or promising to keep products and materials in use for longer